
MCNEELA is the best place to buy a concertina for beginners at their level on a low budget. There are many suitable starter concertinas for the child to train and play with.

How does it work?

A concertina is a reed musical instrument that is free. This works based on expansion and contraction. It has bellows in it with some buttons on both ends that make music when they expand and contract by pushing air over the button or keyholes on both ends.

This bellow expands and contracts in three ways.

  • Reed pan
  • Action pan
  • Buttons at the end


Pushing the button during the instruments expands and a contraction raises the lever on the action pan and opens the valve to produce sound. This allows the bellow to travel over the valve on the reed with the corresponding reed pan. This process creates a vibration in it, and the vibration produces the sound on the reed with the cupped hands.

The concertina has a leather strap on both ends for holding it, and you can place your thumb outside the strap for better grip and use the rest of your fingers to control the wooden bars to create sound using the vibration created on them.

The musical instrument is created by using four fingers of your hand and your free thumb finger. This is the appropriate technique for playing this musical instrument. There are different button arrangements in it. The 70 buttons in it, 35 on each side, in the small concertina featuring them, only contain 10 holes in them, 5 on each side. This gap expands the possibilities for instrumental playing and increases the enjoyment of playing it.

Always go with 30-button instruments if you like to enjoy traditional Irish music on your own. This will help you fulfill your wish and provide effective traditional Irish music.